Thursday, July 3, 2008

Inchies; a process

Inchies--they're everywhere! I've seen them surface on the trading boards, they grace this summer's Somerset cover, and so I thought I'd share one of my processes for creating them. But first, a definition: inchies are 1X1 squares of collaged, stamped, drawn art, usually signed on the back. Some people swap theirs around. Some use a set to adorn a journal, card series or scrapbook page. The latest set I made landed a premiere spot on an ATC {artist trading card}.
1. I flipped through a couple magazines {Real Simple & Domino for this set} and glued snippets of color & wonder down to pink cardstock.
2. Then I went over the whole page with tiny scrap of paper, small rubber stamps, hole punches, and bits of ribbon & filled in the gaps.
3. I trimmed the edges, then cut 1 inch strips with a paper cutter. It's not precious; just go for it!
4. Then, crosswise, chop into 1 inch squares. Voila. Inchies.


Anonymous said...

LOVE this!!!


metrochic said...

i wanna swap inchies with you. smartypants with the collage! so pretty.