Tuesday, April 6, 2010

embroidery floss?

Do you stitch? My first craft was embroidery, taught by my grandmother. She gave me a little printed sampler in a small plastic hoop, and showed me a few stitches. I've always used the DMC floss, but sometimes I see samplers with really luscious, thick floss, and I'm wondering if people have recommendations. I saw a snippet from Teresa McFayden's blog, and am *so* imspired by her mixed media sampler. Time to dig out that hoop!

Dover Sampler

If you hop on over to the Dover Publication site, you can sign up for their weekly sampler of copyright free imagery. They have everything from paper doll costumes to coloring pages to vintage luggage tags. I save a few images from the sampler to my Dover file each week. Above a two recent ones. I doubt either of my boys wants a bo-peep dress for anything, but maybe for a pre-school project.. :) My favorite are the background patterns which you can recolor and use for just about anything!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This week I signed myself up for camp! In Idaho! And I am so thrilled. Check out these inspiring women, and what they're up to in the Idaho mountains. I'm joining Melody Ross, her sister Kathy, and a group of other equally brave gals for 5 days of creating! The recommended art supply list is brief, but I think that's one rule I'll have to break. I can't wait for this retreat!